I run a rural pub several miles from my cabinet. The best speed I currently get is around 2-3mb - now with Infinty I would probably only get around 10-13mb because of the distance to the cabinet however this would be a massive improvement.
My cabinet has recently been upgraded to accepting orders for BT Infinity. However when I have contacted BT to upgrade (already have broadband and phone with BT) the only answer I get is computer says no and no timescale as to when i might be a yes. This took several phone calls to get a no and at least 1 person promised to ring me back as their system was down and they could not check - still waiting for that call.
Now I could accept this answer except I know that my neighbours have had their upgrade accepted (albeit not until May). As they are actually connected to the some run of cable as myself and indeed further away from the cabinet than myself.
As a rural pub I have an increased need to be able to offer a better quality of internet access to the public and this is one of my selling points.
Could the problem be as simple as the BT/Openreach database being incorrect and saying no when it should be a yes?
As my number is slightly different than my neighbours - due to a change in number by previous occupants at the pub could be the routing within the cabinet/exchange which is preventing me from upgrading?
Would a new telephone line installation purely for the fibre be a possible soloution?
I was offered FTTP but no price was given and from my understanding this would cost me 10 times more than a standard line which as a rural pub I can not afford.
Asked these questions of BT over the phon but they knew less about telecommunications than I did so were useless.
Hi mworden52,
If you send me your details and broadband line number, and if you know it your neighbours broadband number (via a private message) I can double check that you are both coming of the same cabinet and if your line can indeed get fibre broadband or not.
Thanks for getting bck to me I have replied to your private message