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BT Local Business Sales

Does anyone know how you can interact with BT but not through BT Local Business Sales.  The Cirencester bunch are incompetent, we are an IT support ccompany and have to deal with them on behalf of our customers, I need to deal with somebody who knows the BT product range and can place and manage orders through the BT systems effectively.  I would not have thought that this was an onerous requirement but it seems beyond them.
Any ideas or help much appreciated, BT used to have a Consultants help line but that seems to have disappeared now.
Thanks Justin

Grand Master
Hi dsmsystems,
I am sorry to hear of the problems you have experienced. Could you reply to this thread with a general outline of what the problem is, as at the moment it is quite vague?
BT Forum Moderator



One of our customers ordered lines for a Bristol location and they processed them for installation in Birmingham.

See below for another current issue, this has originally requested the 2nd Feb, they admittted the inbound CLI has not processed and said it was being about a month ago, still not working. The salesperson had never heard of PN CLI and kept trying to fob me off to the NGN sales group. I still have not heard anything in response. What is the process for raising a complaint?



Can I have a response please.

Rgds Justin

From: Justin Millner Sent: 28 February 2008 15:01 To: Gemma Willis Subject: FW: DSM_CRM:0474601960 Importance: High


Can I have an update on this please.

Rgds Justin

From: Justin Millner Sent: 27 February 2008 12:37 To: Subject: FW: Group DSM_CRM:0474601960 Importance: High


To help you I have found the details of your product on your web site.;JSESSIONID_btPortalWebApp=HDcoEL2YTmIyRDmYxy2iN6XhTSsmi3sriHteaeBxU28sehVemdwK!-2082659709?origin=mb_catalogue.jsp&event=bea.portal.framework.internal.portlet.event&pageid=mb_pns_catalogue&portletid=mb_pns_catalogue&wfevent=link.SubCategory&productCategory=categories/bt_corporate_products_lines_call_services.xml&productSubCategory=categories/bt_corporate_products_lines_call_services_digital_calling_features.xml&PorS=products&siteArea=mb.corp

The feature we want enabled is;

Presentation Number Calling Line Identity (PN CLI)

Please can you arrange for this to be activated as a matter of urgency.

Rgds Justin

From: Justin Millner Sent: 27 February 2008 12:08 To: 'Gemma Willis' Subject: RE: Group DSM_CRM:0474601960 Importance: High


Can you update me with the progress on the Outbound NGN display, as stated in an earlier email you have to allow it at the exchange otherwise we could spoof any outbound number, I will forward to you the relevant OFCOMM regulations if you need.

We need our NGN number 0844 XXXX to be allowed as a matter of urgency. If you have any issues or do not understand please call me on 07815 888118 to discuss.

Rgds Justin

From: [] Sent: 12 February 2008 15:26 To: Justin Millner Cc: Subject: RE: Group

We are just re ordering the CLI for your inbound as it got stuck in the system.



As with the NGN number, if you have a telephone system you can programme it on there, if not you will need to speak to inbound services.









From: Justin Millner [] Sent: 12 February 2008 15:13 To: Gemma Subject: RE:




Inbound CLI is not working can you confirm that it was ordered and you processed the order correctly.


Outbound CLI

The issue is not to do with the NGN number, we need to display the NGN number on outbound calls over the ISDN 2 circuits, this is an option on ISDN circuits, please can you discuss with your tecnical support or collegues. It has nothing to do with BT NGN sales.


Rgds Justin



From: Willis [mailto] Sent: 12 February 2008 15:06 To: Justin Millner Subject: RE:

The CLI should work in bound and out bound. With regards to the 0844 number I spoke to my colleague and we cant do anything with those numbers, it would be the inbound team whos number I have sent you.




From: Justin Millner [mailto:] Sent: 12 February 2008 14:55 To: Gemma Willis Subject: RE: Group




We have the NGN number and need the outbound CLI on the 4 @ ISDN2 circuits to be chnaged to our existing 0844 979 4567 number, it is something that you will need to progress.



Are we receiving inbound CLI now I can't work out from your note?



Rgds Justin



From: Gemma Willis [mailto:] Sent: 12 February 2008 14:23 To: Justin Millner Subject: RE: Group

Hello Justin,



Sorry I have not got back in touch with you. When you called in on the 2450 number it did show. So that should be working. As for CLI to be on the 08 number it is probably best if you spoke to 01793 593293 see if they can do it for you, as they deal with 08 numbers.



Kind Regards,



From: Justin Millner [] Sent: 02 February 2008 12:04 To: Cc: Subject: ,


We provide the It support for Group, can you do the following please.

1. Confirm that the ISDN2 lines on XXXXXX support inbound CLI presentation

2. We wish for the outbound CLI that is presented to be XXXXX please can you arrange.

Rgds Justin

Hi dsmsystems For what it's worth, although I can't help with your particular problem, I would strongly recommend not going through local busines sales if you can.

I did and now realise what local sales tell you and the way it actually is can be quite different. I signed up, in the shop, to a BT One plan, with the monthly payments and the features I would like to add to the BT Feature Line (the line option where you have to press 9 to get an outside line) stated.

After signing the contract, the local sales informed me of a connection date, and that BT would contact me 2 days before to arrange the time. No contact. I phoned local sales who said I need to contact BT (??), took me 2 hours to get through. I was then told I needed to pay £150 deposit as a new customer. However, due to not having paid it (how would I know??) my connection date has not been fixed (!!) and I will have to get a new one arrange (waiting another week or so). Local Sales told me that afer-sales service is not provided by them (!!).

Then I discovered that I was not put on the right plan. BT phone support would not contact Local Sales to check this for me, they said I had to do this(!!). After some research I discovered that Local Sales are actually nothing to do with BT at all. They are independant companies that act solely as agents, and any information they give should be checked directly with BT. BT should make this very very clear, so should the local agents. It also means, unfortunately, that they have access to all your details (they are an independent company so they have it as well as BT).

Seriously, stay away from local sales. Personally, I would never use BT again either. They are just not small business friendly enough.

Message Edited by mike123acc on 04-01-2008 01:04 PM

Message Edited by mike123acc on 04-01-2008 05:43 PM


Bt are a complete disaster - cause and have caused me so much grief - I am part of a larger group and they all have problems.

I agree with comments on Cirencester - over promising and frankly mis-leading - lots of chirpy "yes we can deal" - but complete failure to do so.

I am in contact with complaints department - but you really have to insist on a high level or you just get nowhere


I have same problems with bt local business Chesterfield  I  ordered 2  lines to be bought back from another provider- AS BT are always  requesting- we are a mai order firm and had these numbers for 15 years- sent thousands of mugs/ stickers/ vcatalogues out with these numbers  promised to install when contract with other provider finished it is now 31 days later - thousands of lost pounds lost business (about 30k  ) !! still no nearer and in spite of hundreds of emails/ calls  we are still without lines- this really is a joke- we have ofcom and otelo  reference numbers and BT really do not care- (why we left them for new provider originally!! ) in between speaking to call centres in god knws where  and being cut off with automated messages- BT are still totally incapable of  sorting what they promise- I am now waiting for a BT  engineer to install toady- i should have gone to Holland on business and cancelled it - due to this- Mike Chadwick Custom Cruisers Lts

BT Partner
BT Partner



I apreciate your post is well over 12 months old now, but for what it's worth (for anybody who might be interesed), I thought I would let you know that BT have a legitimate route for third parties to be able to order BT products and services on behalf of BT Customers.


It's a part of BT Local Business called BT Indirect Partner Sales (it used to be called BT Indirect Channels). BT Partners and Resellers can order BT Business products and services on behalf of customers. Partners and Resellers are given specific ordering channels which completely bypass BTLB. There are lots of other nice things about being a BT Partner but it seems I'm not allowed to post what they are (even though BT has invested millions into this part of the business over the last decade). 




BT Local Business Newcastle


Hi Justin,


Sorry can't help because as far as I can determine the lousy service is not limited to your area. I have been trying to get a resolution to an issue for over 1 year so that I can get a second line installed without success. To cap it all the BTLB team have moved from Luton without leaving any forwarding address - no divert on the line and don't answer emails so now I am up the swanny...


How can a monopoly like BT ever get away with this - it is outrageous.


Sorry for the rant but totally frustrated.


Power User

Sorry to hear about this. But how long has this been an angoing issue if I may ask.


Is this is a very big problem to interact with BT but not through BT Local Business Sales. 


If all are affected by this difficulty than what is the solution of this?