Hi All ,
I have a problem trying to connect to someone with a BT Buisness Hub via VPN .
I need to access a PC at his end so i can control it through remote desktop. He sent me a program to install my end which is the BT VPN Remote Client Access software , after install I enter the Company ID , User Id and password they supplied but i get an errror "unable to connect to server , try again later " .
I am behind a ISA2004 Firewall on a SBS2003 Small Biz Server. I s there a poer that i need to open to allow me access to his VPN ? . We have no trouble with our users getting VPN access to our server just this one which goes to a buisness hub .
Many thanks
Hi cueball,
I am afraid this is not something that we can assist you with, hopefully one of our other forum users would be able to assist you with this.
Alternatively you can speak to our IT Support Management Team on - 0800 500 247 who would be able to assist you with this, they are however a chargeable desk.
Hope this helps
BT Business Forum Moderator