Our phone system at work suddenly lost all voicemail options. Its as if we never had it.
We have a blue voicemail module in our server room which I have powered down and reset.
Do people think the module its self is faulty and I need a new one? Or could there be another explanation for the voicemail on our phones to have gone?
Kind regards in advance,
When you say power down did you just turn the switch off and unplug the system? You need to disconnect the battery as well.
I think those are installed remotely but you might want to double check this with tech support.
NO they are not installed remotely!
I turned off the black panel on the wall (switch) and unplugged it from the seperate box on the wall was that not enough then?
Kind regards in advance mate.
No you need to disconnect the battery as well for a few seconds
Sorry Davel excuse my ignorance, where is the battery usually situated?
Behind the cover on the left hand side. Remove the covers by unlocking the small plastic lock screws 1/2 a turn
Will this clear everyones names against there extensions etc... and the groups already assigned?
Also if I need a new one (voice module) there are ones for sale that are not BLUE. Does this mean they are no the same thing?
Cheers again Davel much appriciated.