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BT Versatility Voicemail Module


Our phone system at work suddenly lost all voicemail options. Its as if we never had it.


We have a blue voicemail module in our server room which I have powered down and reset.


Do people think the module its self is faulty and I need a new one? Or could there be another explanation for the voicemail on our phones to have gone?


Kind regards in advance,




Super User

Programming should not be affected. Regarding the vm modules, they all used to be blue with a label denoting 2,4 or 8 ports but must admit I have seen images of some grey 2 port modules.

Power User

Same here and these grey ports cannot be changed or used. What happened?


Good morning,


I know this thread was a little while ago, but we are having the same issue. But as far as i can see we dont have a back up battery? I have taken the fronts off the versatility system and cannot see any back up battery. 


So does this mean the voicemail module is corrupt or needs replacing?


Trying to get through BT re: maintenance contract is proving near impossible. So im figuring its easier to try and sort it ourselves. 


Would appreciate any advice or help if anyone has had a similar problem.