I was using port 80 with utorrent, seemed the only port that would work with it. But now it must be closed because it does not work on that port anymore. Im not using it for another reason, so please open it. Getting fed up with BT Business Broadband I always seem to have a problem. Actually I will note them:-
1st. Speed issue - stuck at 1152kbps line capped.
2nd Modem keeps resetting after about 10 to 12 days of it being on.
3rd Cannot open a port fully for utorrent, 80 was working fine but they have closed it.
Thats about it.
Firstly I'm assuming you're using uTorrent for perfectly legal, non-copyrighted downloads. 😉
Secondly, I very much doubt BT are blocking any ports on your line.
What's likely to be blocking things will be the router. I would suggest looking up details on port forwarding.
Assuming you are using the standard BT router (2700HGV) then this page may be useful to you:
First thanks for the reply and yes Im using utorrent all legal downloads.
Im using the new 2701HGV BT Business Hub, I was using port 80 and all was well until the modem reset and then 80 was not working anymore, Ive tried all different ports but nothing will work, it gives a yellow tick with port not open but able to download so no the ports are not fully open so BT must of closed the port. Ive tested all ports with port forward checker but every port I try it comes up with port not open.
I don't use the supplied BT modem/router so I can't provide specific guides, but you need to look in to "port forwarding" and/or "NAT" on Google to investigate further.
what other port can you use other than 80 casue 80 worked fine.
BT deny that there are any restrictions on Port80 traffic - but as you have seen there is.
The thinkbroadband.com speedtester which is one of the better ones available -
normally runs on Port 8095 but can be set to run on port 80. With the various flavours of ADSL, it would work without issue, now with Infinity IT WILL NOT WORK ON PORT 80. This has been proven on different PC and on different Infinity connections. BT deny that they do anything to Port 80 traffic, but it is demonstrable that they do.
BT need to sort it out.
I'm on FTTC (as of last week) and port 80 is definitely open for me.
I have a NAS box at home running Apache on that port. This is accessed via a DynDns address, which I used yesterday from work.
But like I said before, I don't use the BT supplied router but use my own and have set up port forwarding for the ports I want open (to a specified local IP).
Oh, and I just used the link above for the speed test and it worked fine (with and without ticking the port 80 option).
Milo, Have you tried with the BT router ? There is certainly something strange about that device that stops traffic on Port 80 - but I and others have not yet found out how to resolve it.
Nope, it's now up in the loft since I'm never going to use it.
Is there no firewall configuration on the router's setup pages?
All the routers I've owned in the past that have firewalls built in block ALL incoming traffic (which would include port 80). You have to specifically open the ports you want to. The NAT functions of more recent routers has made this a non-issue for most users, but perhaps these BT routers have dodgy NAT functionality.