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BT eShop - Product cross-selling - Alternative items

Super User

I can't get "Product cross-selling - Alternative items" to work. I don't have any problems with "Accessories" and "Related Products", these work fine.


Is anybody else experiencing the same problem?

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorials, Tips & Ideas on ePages Ecommerce software.

Super User
what exactly is happening?  i have mine working ok...was a little fiddly, but got there in the end.

Super User

Going from memory, I'm sure I had it working OK as a test in a previous software release. However, now I want to use it properly but can't get it to work.


Like I say, I can get "Accessories" and "Related Products" to work fine. These show up on the website as "Accessories" and "We also recommend...." at the bottom of each product page.


However, when I do exactly the same thing for "Alternative Items" I don't get anything on the website product page. This is despite the fact that everything looks fine in the Admin Section and I can see the relationship there.


I agree with you. This section is fiddly. It took me ages to get the reciprocal assignments to work. Then I worked out you have to tick the box "BEFORE" you Add Products from Tray.

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorials, Tips & Ideas on ePages Ecommerce software.

Super User

Hi, i doubled checked what i did and your approach - I added an alterntive to another product and did work.  Suggest you call BT as there must be something wrong with you app.



Super User

Cheers Whoknows. Thanks for your help.


I'll try it again. If it I still can't get it to work then I will contact BT.

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorials, Tips & Ideas on ePages Ecommerce software.

Master User



If your cross selling still not working please contact BT so we can have a look to the shop 😉


Kind Regards,

The eShop Team

Super User

I've discovered the problem I had with this and basically I had done it right and it was there all along. The only problem was that I had missed it!


If you create a cross-selling relationship using the "Alternative Items" feature then it inserts a tiny little button and phrase which is "hidden" at the bottom of the product page between the "Recommend Product" and "Question about Product" buttons. I was expecting something much more substantial along the same lines as "Accessories" and "Related Products".


I understand "Alternative Items" is intended to "up-sell" products. Well I don't think there is much chance of up-selling because I think most customers, like me, will miss it.


EShop Team - Any chance "Alternative Items" could be made more prominent on the product page?

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorials, Tips & Ideas on ePages Ecommerce software.