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BT incompetence


Not the first subject on this theme I imagine.   Does anyone have any idea why a expedited ADSL line takes over 8 days.



Is its just incompetence  (my personal favorite as i keep being lied to about delivery dates, get lots of letters then a phone call on the day to say the new date is even further ahead)


What BT mean by an expedited line is:   we will teach you to complain about our failure we will put you on the fast track to oblivion.


Or I'm not showing enough faith as I was told last week 5 days after the line should have been installed the first time but as close to the weekend they could bluff me to.


If anyone monitors this forum please feel free to tell me why you employ staff who seem to (lets be generous) extend the truth somewhat.


Another unhappy BT business customer



How it feels to be on the end of a BT Business line cocked up broadband install:


Our fault, apologies, we will expedite this, will ring you back later or tomorrow if we can get away with it.


Apologies we did not do anything yesterday but will get back to you about not doing anything more later


Oh has another day gone our apologies,  will get back to you


Oh has another day gone our apologies,  will get back to you.  Let me speak to my coach we will expedite it


Oh has another day gone our apologies,  will get back to you



Oh has another day gone our apologies  will get back to you might even re-place the order now think its been long enough without doing anything (that should delayit for 48 hours shhh)


Have faith (at this point we are all resorting to religion as real world solutions are few and far between)


Oh its the weekend our apologies,  will get back to you Monday we are confident that it can be done by the 11th


Hello did you have nice weekend yes the 11th it is, for use on the 12th our apologies again


Wow we managed to delay it until the 11th we are good, our apologies again.  Can I just say with some pride that we can now get the service going for the 16th


Hang on what about the 11th and the letter from you confirming that.  Ohh err yes thats correct let me come back to you


hi BT here by txt, guess what we are going to install your service (wait for it) and in 4 hours we will give you the date


Hello BT here did you get a txt, yes, but it did not confirm tonight and you should have installed last Tuesday and then again on Friday.  Heh dont worry about that, have an apology.   How about I ring you back tomorrow because Im off home now bye , must quickly mention this before  I go watch out for the letter saying the 16th.


Hello I'm the collegue of sloped off home, yes it will be done tonight no worries I also need to get off and you and I both know we have f**ked up again and when we ring back tomorrow we will have more apologies.  Bye




hello it's BT good news we were right, its now delayed until the 16th, have an apology


You seem a tad stressed did I not apologise enough, try and bring it forward to this week you say.  We have not delivered and you don't believe me.  Have an apology while I expedite it.


hmm dont think this will make any difference, how about I lie a little more and try and string it out for the rest of the week, ohh have an apology


Working line you say, well its coming maybe  .....




Yes we are bunch of numpties, you would like to speak to someone who has authority to make a decision, well I can pass you to my coach.


Hello coach here, no i cant make a decision let me put you through to my manager.  Hello manager here, not able to do anything but my boss can.  Hello boss here, wow yes I can see we have cocked up big time in fact i can see I need to sack a few people.


Let me make a call, hello yes boss here can you get someone over to exchange to fix this today.  Yes on my authority we have put ourseleves in very bad place.


Hello dear customer the line is now running are you happy?  you are, please also accept 12 months free use of the line as some minor compensation for our gross negligence.


Whoops sorry slipped into an alternate reality for a moment.


Think its going to be back to the Future for me tomorrow!






Well I have a new one for you all.


After having had my business broadband installed in my new business premises 9 days later than I had been told and therefore had 3 business days in the new premises without any phone or broadband. I rang up this morning to raise a fault on my broadband given i was getting a speed of only 0.5mps. Too slow for my Vodafone Sure Signal to work and meaning that our most used form of communication kept on getting cut off. Only to be told that the number of my broadband had been "ceased" and that my acount still had the old broadband assigned to it. After spending 45 minutes I was finally put through to the Business Moving team- the manager Johnathon Kershaw. He told me that the first team I had spoken to were in fact the wrong team I should have been speaking to and after some investigation if I call this other team they will recognise my account. So he attempts to transfer me to them but surprise surprise we get cut off after sitting on hold for another 10 minutes. Then when I call them directly on the number he gave me- they say that they do not recognise the Broadband number as a business account!. I call him back and he says that it will take 24 hrs for the system to update. So now I have to wait 24 hrs to raise the complaint. For what they claim to be a communications company no-one at BT can communicate with anyone else and the customer is left suffering. If I had a choice I would not be with BT- but as I don't what can you do!!! I will let you know if anyone recognises my account tomorrow because if they don't then I assume I won't be being charged either.