Berofe I phone the support desk for further help, I thought I would post my problem here first.
I manage a SBS2003 (5 users) for a friend, nothing too complicated.
The system has been set up and running for many years now, however over the last 3 months the following has happened twice.
The BTBusiness hub is set up with the following setting.
Fixed IP address from BT
IP adress set up manually
Router Address -
Subnet -
DHCP with allocation of to 110.
Wifi is enabled.
Twice now the client has phoned me to say that they have lost connection to the internet. I have goen it to investigate. The local LAN has been fine, and all of the lights were on the router, but the Server cannot connect to router on I then went down the usual route of restarting the router and server. This still made no difference.
It was only when I checked the WIFI with my Blackberry that I discovered the problem.
The BTbusiness hub had changed its IP adress to the following.
Gateway -
Primary DNS -
Applocated IP tot he Blackberry
I originally thought the the router had defaulted back to its original settings. but looking through the setting the default address would be
This has happened twice now. The last was yesterday. With the router being set up as it is I could ping it using the fixed IP address, but cannot access it remotely. Also because the internal LAN is looking for a different IP address for the router, I cannot gain access remotely. This means I have to visit site, which is not always possible straight away.
Can anyone offer any advice why this is happening?
The 10.0.0.xx range is used for Openzone ... were you connected to that?
Try disabling Openzone and see if you can still connect.
What happens if you connect a PC through a wired connection? What does that report?
I was not connected to Openzone.
My Blackberry was connected to BTBusinessHub-XXX. The diagnostics of the Blackberry gave me the details.
The way the SBS2003 server is set up is that it has 2 LAN cards. One for the internal network (server to clients) 192.168.16.XXX and one for the extenrnal network (server to router/interentl)
When logged onto the server I could not access the router using the normal IP address
The only way I could access it was through my Blackberry by loggin onto I then had to go to Settings/LAN/Private Network and then configure the network range manually back to what it originally was. After clicking save, the newtork was back running correctly.
I cannot work out how/why the router changed from to
I have seen occasion reversions - but to never to 10.0.0.xx which is why I asked about Openzone.
Had it been a reset then it woudl have gone to 192.168.1.xx
Just wondering if there is someone else with access who is playing around? I would suggest changing all of the passwords just in case.
Thanks you for your reply.
I have changed the wireless access. It is now WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK with a new password.
Only 2 people know the password for the hub.
I have noticed that BTOpenzone has never been enabled on the hub.
Are you sure about teh Hub password - it may be worth changing that too. You may think that it is just two, but it may have slipped out. and with just two of you it is easy to tell teh other wahat it is.
Ok, will also change the hub password.
At least by changing teh passwords &c you are reducing te possibility of someone interfering ... If it happens again then you need to look deeper and possibly it is a hardware fault but then you can demonstrate you have checked all other causes.