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Business Hub 3.0 and WPA key containing a ?


I have an SSID and WPA key that I use at various sites which have 2700HGV and 2701HGV Routers.
Today I recieved a BT Business Hub 3.0 and it will not allow me to have a WPA key that contains a ?
I ring BT and ask for an alternative Router (such as 2701HGV that we recently recieved for another site) and they said by end of March all Routers will have firmware that will not accept a ?  in the WPA key !

Is that really correct ?





I don't know about the future but it is a well known problem with various wireless access points and wirelss network cards that some characters are not accepted.    The accepted character set and unaccepted characters varies by brand and sometimes model  ... if you do a Google search you will find numerous examples which probably mention,   ? @ ~ & ,  and more.


Thanks for that.


Perhaps I've been fortunate up until now as I have successfully used the same key in several different Cisco Aironet, Linksys and Netgear Router/WAP's. It also works fine in BT's 2700HGV and 2701HGV (today).

The only device I've had a problem with is the BT Business Hub 3.0 that I recieved yesterday.

Super User

Changing Business hub will not solve it,while going to chnage that again please ask them that you cannot perform that or else better to contact the technical support center