This thread is for anyone to make suggestions and requests for future features/functionality for the Business VoIP product range (Broadband Voice and BT Hosted VoIP). We can't guarantee that any ideas will be implemented, but everything will definitely be considered on its merits and no suggestions are too outlandish.
Broadband Voice Team
and/or TAPI drivers for SIP
Enable dialing from PC applications (but still using the falcon ip phone)
proper integration of 1571 with the opsted service and Falcon IP phones
phone indication or ringtone changes when messages available
Thanks for your suggestions!
We're taking note of all comments.
We would like to be able to
Use our hosted VoIP service from a mobile VOIP client from a Windows Mobile device, so that we can make voice calls using internet access eg HSDPA, WIFI ,3G etc. Assentially a mobile version / lightwieght office communicator very similar to Skype for Windows Mobile.
I'd just like both the VoIP lines I have to work again as they did until late 2008. Has anyone else had problems with their BT 2700HGV Hub resetting itself to factory default on a regular basis? This requires the hub to be reconfigured along with each VoIP line every time it happens. I have suggested that the hub is faulty but BT will not consider it as a possibility.
We would like to use our voip line to receive faxes via the pc. When we first got Office communicator we were told that this would be possible in the future, this now seems to have been stopped in favour of the BT pc fax (or whatever it's called). We have tried this, but as a subscription based function can't see the benefit when we already have email and a fax machine.
But to receive faxes via the computer when for instance a fax machine is unoperable, would be very beneficial and would save on lots of paper.
Here is my wishlist item...
We have been looking at Business VoIP, however due to your pricing model, I think we will continue to use our Asterisk VoIP system.
Why? Well we are a small company with a small number of staff, yet we have lots of locations within our premisies that we work from.
Normally, we would put a phone extension on every desk, however with your pricing model, we would end up with 30 extensions that each require line rental, yet only five extensions would be in use at any one time.
We could simply buy five phones, and have each user take their phone with them, when they move to another location in our offices, but this is simply not practical.
It would be great, if we could have 30 phones, yet only have five lines, requiring each user to 'sign in' to a phone to enable it for dialling out. When a user signs in, they would be automatically be signed out from any other locations (although, I think all phones should be capable of answering an incoming call).
Effectively, instead of a phone being allocated a phone (or extension) number, a person would be allocated the number.
Hello all,
Really useful comments, many thanks. I've passed them onto the VOIP team who are currently reviewing BT's Broadband Voice and BT Hosted Voip product offerings. They will be considering many of these suggestions.