Please bear with me as a lot has happened in the last 48 hours...
Ok, my email (via Live Mail) had been working fine for nigh on 7+ years until Friday noon. Problems began with me suddenly being unable to receive and send emails. No settings had been changed at all. I rang support and initially was told, rather unhelpfully, that there must be a problem with Windows Live itself and was told to contact Microsoft. Microsoft sent me stright back to BT.
My second call was a little more helpful, my server settings were changed (from to server) although this again produced no incoming email apart from a few test messages sent from BT support. Now, I generally receive some 20+ emails a day with respect to my business, what with people ordering and me purchasing online. The support lady then took me onto an ip checker website and lo and behold, my dynamic ip address is suddenly showing up blocked as a spammer on half a dozen or so sites! We tried rebooting the router several times to get different ip addresses but each showed me blocked. She claims this is the cause of why I am not getting any emails. I have absolutely NO idea how this has suddenly occurred after so many years of troublefree service. It is certainly nothing that has been caused by me, my pc has not been compromised and I have no viruses. Reading older threads leads me to believe this is not the first time this has happened by far....
I then got a call back from BT yesterday, Saturday, to be told that they were dealing with 'some' of the spammed block lists owners, but could I myself seek removal from another five of them! I am flabbergasted to have been told to do this myself. I looked at the first few names, spamhaus and Barracuda, both of which say that only the ISP ip block owner can request removal. So why ask me to do it??
Ok, so my first still ongoing problem that is still not resolved is, why am I still not getting any incoming mail? I have had absolutely NO emails in some 48 hours now, despite knowing for a fact that I am due over 30+
Second problem, where are all my existing emails on the server? When I log into my web-based office365 account, apart from the few test emails sent by support, there is nothing there at all! I have checked my server settings and, as has been for 7 odd years, mails are saved on the server for 20 days before being deleted - so where are they all suddenly?
I am absolutely fuming over this state of affairs. Being told different things, and asking me to do things that I should not have to, and am unable to, does not help. Could someone please look into this sorry mess for me. Cheers.
NB: am not sure if this is relevant or not, but a few weeks ago after receiving quite persistent spam mail, I did on 3 separate occasions report the spam to BT using their webform. Could someone have 'accidentally' done something to my account in order to address the spam issue I reported? Except whatever they've done has instead caused mayhem. Just seems a little coincidental that this all happens after my reports.
I'd also be interested to hear from anyone else who has experienced similar problems.
The btconnect settings are: (SSL/TLS) (port 587)
I have been using this since 22nd July and not seen any problems yet. I am using Thunderbird to post/receive emails from btconnect.
I am a new customer by virtue of buying a new Doamin from BTNAMES and the hotmail account I wanted to use was not accepted by BT because they a#expect you to have a BT email account. So they gave me a new account free of charge.
Anyway, do these settings look right for you? If not try them and post back so that I can post pictures of my own settings if that is going to help you.
There is a FAQ here:
I haven't tried these settings because Thunderbird has auto-complete method to fill out all popular servers so it just did it for me.
They only changed my settings for the first time the other day when I first reported having problems sending/receiving mail, from / to /
Although this 'appears' to be checking incoming mail, it obviously isn't as it's not downloading mail that I know has, and is, being sent to me. Some 30+ emails this weekend alone have just 'disappeared' into a void. It's as though the office365 server is completely disconnected from my server. Even logging into my account webpage shows nil in my inbox. Not even a copy of some 100s of emails currently stored in my Windows Mail inbox.
Oh, and not forgetting of course that my BT ip address is suddenly being flagged up as spam on some of the spam filtering sites.
Hi whizzkid001,
I can see from your account that you have contacted the heldesk to get this sorted out, and that you were contacted from our 3rd line team to get it resolved.
Are you still having a problem?