I see a few inactive accounts that need deleting in our emails but have no option to remove them... any ideas?
Go to www.myoffice.bt.com and using the main account name and password, login there.
From te tabs at the top, choose <Manage Services>
The a new page should appear with a Pie-Chart about haf way down on the right hand side. That sows the number of mailboxes available and in use.
Just above the chart are three options including <Manage Mailboxes>, click on that and it will bring up a list.
Select the one you wish to delete, teh envelope on te left will turn orange. There is a list of 9 options on the right hand side - select <DELETE Mailbox>
Just to clarify, you can't actually delete an account completely. Inactive accounts shouldn't count towards any limits, e.g. total allocated mailbox or used licenses, but they will remain on the account forever.
The reason for this is because there is a small security risk in allowing an email address to be re-allocated, as in theory it could receive mail that was intended for the previous owner.
As long as all the numbers in the portal add up then you're fine, but if they ever go out of alignment then you should contact the Helpdesk, as your account is (at least partially) broken.
Just to clarify, you can't actually delete an account completely. Inactive accounts shouldn't count towards any limits, e.g. total allocated mailbox or used licenses, but they will remain on the account forever.
The reason for this is because there is a small security risk in allowing an email address to be re-allocated, as in theory it could receive mail that was intended for the previous owner.
A sensible precaution that a lot of other providers do not follow and allow re-allocation after just a few months.
I presume that the user cannot see these email addresses though. What if they wanted to re-activate one? Can it be done, either drectly or through the helpdesk?
I know that with assistance a mailbox can be transferred from one account to another - I had that done for someone during divorce proceeedings
Email addresses be visible in Office365 as Inactive, although I can't remember offhand if they showed up in the old platform.
In any case it's a Helpdesk job to get them restored, as we can see them all.
And it should be possible to move a user between accounts, but the whole Office365 thing does complicate issues a little. I haven't done it for a while, and I don't know if there are more hoops than there used to be. Helpdesk again for sure.
Hi Jpnd. Have you managed to remove the inactive users already? I was trying to find a guide online to do this but I can't find any.