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Difficult Google Analytics stats analysis due to multiple URLs for each page.


Hi guys,


I assist on the SEO for Despite being extremely competetive and constistantly achieving 2500 hits each month, we're concerned that ePages may be restricting the number of orders received due to basic limitations of the software.


My initial concerns were that during the purchase process the domain changes to I know this is necessary due to SSL certificate limitations, however this will put a lot of people off. We've also had reports of visitors finding the site to be unavailable or not load, and just recently we've found that links keep repointing themselves to - I'm not talking about when you navigate to the registration/checkout pages, rather all of teh links on the homepage recently changed and pointed to a login page every time you accessed the site via the correct domain.


To try and investigate, I installed Google Analytics, however I've since discovered:

  • There isn't just one complicated URL and one short (canonical) URL, there's about 6 or 7 URLs for every page depending on your route through the site. Which means that it's impossible to see peoples routes through the site or clearly see the most accessed pages because of all the random URLs each page is accessed by;
  • When the shopping basket is loaded, it's called in with scripting which means it has no static URL. So Google Analytics can't see when people go to their shopping basket.

I'm finding it very difficult to analyse what's going wrong, and the eTracker stats are so basic they're next to useless. We even tried contacting eTracker regarding an upgrade to the paid services (or at least a demo) but they never responded.


How does everyone else here find their orders? Is there anything anyone could recommend for the site? How easy do you find it to analyse the data in Google Analytics for your ePages shop?


Currently, despite excellent rankings and high traffic, with limited orders I firmly believe there's an issue with the checkout process and if I can't solve this I'll be recommending they change supplier. I've tried contacting BT and ePages but was told by BT that "that e-commerce is not supported" in EShops (says it all!). I was then told to contact sales. No thanks!


I'd really appreciate some comments or feedback.




Stuart Clark.




Thanks Graeme, your feedback is very helpful and gratefully received! I do believe there are problems with the look and the site, something I'm talking to the client about and I've advised them regarding the terms and conditions - unfortunately they're still looking at this but I hope to receive some news back soon.


Fantastic news about better integration of ePages and Google Analytics! I followed your instructions last week (sorry for not posting back, things were a little busy at the time) and already the Google Analytics data looks a little better - I'll be looking more closely over the next few weeks when GA has had time to collect more data. looks fantastic and I'm inspired by the fact it's ePages driven! In fact I'm extremely impressed by the look and feel you've managed to put together. I'm hoping that I'll be able to work with Animal Magic to change the look of their site as well.

Super User

hi stuseo

I was little bit worried about the comments in my earlier post. I thought you might see them too critical. I'm glad you saw them for what they were, i.e. constructive criticism.

Regarding ePages, I don't have any experience with other eCommerce solutions, but I think it is an excellent platform for small businesses. It's easy to knock up a decent looking website and the check out process is robust (a major consideration).

Thanks for your comments about my site. I'm quite proud of it but I'm always looking to develop it further. If you want some real inspiration for what can be achieved then take a look at this site:

I was stunned when I first saw this. I couldn't believe it was ePages so I contacted the site owner. He assured me it is built using the standard ePages solution that you and I are both using with BT (albeit with some advanced HTML/CSS coding).

-------------------------------------------------------------- - Tutorials, Tips & Ideas on ePages Ecommerce software.




Yes, I have seen this site before after reading posts on epages forum and was impressed with the center menu which I would like to emulate.  Not sure if this is custom created or from a preset template? The Endless Beauty website is running on epages 6.10.1 while BT eShop customers are running on a newer version 6.11.1 so should have access to all features this site is using.  If anyone finds out how the menu was created then please post on this thread! (o:






Found out that the nice menu located on the homepage of was created using a JQuery Mega Menu technique.


Some examples here to inspire you...


