I have a domain with BT - only - bought at least 4 years ago and came up for renewal. To cut a long story short the links in the email send you to a page that isnt the best requiring a logon that doesnt work anymore, doesnt allow password resets and links dont do anything. www.bt.com/domains. Emails to the 'contact us' details are unanswered.
After many hours on the phone being passed backwards and fowards between retail and business help desks I was told that this is no longer supported. A 'google' search showed up a web page not requiring logon which seems to have worked OK:
As my website is down until renewal I went through the process and paid. Apart from this being the most archaic and obtuse process I do need to change the address details as I no longer live at the address shown in the registration. How can I do this please ? I do not have a business account with BT and this doesnt fall under my retail contracts.
Many thanks
I may have solved my own problem - got an account with Nominet and updated the address for the domains registered through BT. Help says this should be done through the registrar.