My website was created using Easysite Wizard and is hosted by BT -
I want to try and improve its ranking on Google but am having MAJOR problems when trying to amend Meta descriptions and keywords which can only be done via the published files apparently.
BT suggested that I do this via the HEAD section and editing the published file - index.html. I take it that this only change the index page?
When I went in and changed the descriptions and keywords on each of my other pages and re-published, it mucked up the layout of pages big time - sticking the letter A in all over the place.
I have managed to publish an old version - but am not happy as I need to update the main page regulalry.
I really really need to get this resolved.
Any ideas greatly welcomed.
Dave - I am using Easysite Wizard 6 (not Pro) so I don't have access to a pencil????