I can't edit my website I have tried both Website Wizard Pro and Easysite Wizard 6 but my website does not appear in either. My website was designed by a webdesigner a couple of years ago who has since gone out of business so unable to contact him. If someone could please help I'm also new to all this please do not get to technical.
Niether of those packages are capable of editing a professionally made website and to be honest they are not exactly brilliant for building even a hobby website let alone something to showcase your business.
If the site is more than a couple of years old I would strongly advise contracting a Web designer to build a new one, or at least give the old one a digital check up and have them apply any small changes you want done at the same time. BT does have its own Web Design service and some of their work is quite run of the mill respectable albeit a little on the expensive side. Of course a quick search of Google will probably turn up dozens of Freelance Web Designers in your nearest town and it never hurts to ask for a quote.