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Extremely slow speeds less then half a meg




I have been having problems with my BB for a few months now but it has increasingly been getting worse, im now at the point where when I run the  i often get a speed of around 300 - 500kbps.

I pay for the 8meg adsl, an although I dont expect to get 8meg the 6.5meg I used to get was ok.


So I rang BT 2 weeks ago who ran a series of tests on my line and remote connected to my router but could not find any problems. I also rplaced all my adsl filters with new ones and I connected the router to the master enginner socket but they couldnt find a prob so they arranged for and engineer to attend who also tested my line and router and went to the local exchange. He installed a new openreach socket which i think he said was also an accelerator, but he too could not find any faults and the call was closed.


I have run BT again (who are not BT) and logged another call describing my speeds are still poor. Again they run some tests didnt even bother to call me back and just closed the call?. After I rang them back the next day asking for an update I was told the call was closed and no problems were found, ridiculous. So I explained the problems is not fixed and the speed is still poor, so they are going to send out another engineer to check my line.


Kinda seems like i'm going round in circles :(. So I read up on 2wire routers, DSLAM, and a few helpful posts on the foums and I have managed to teach myself and arrive at a possible reason that has escaped BT in all the calls i've logged.


It appears from my router logs it is retraining the DSL connection far to many times. Last night I plugged the router into the master engineer test socket reset the log and left it overnight. This is the log from my router this morning


DSL Link Errors

Collected for 19:00:42

Reset 24-hr int. 15-min int. Last Event
 SinceCurrentCurrentTime Since
Last Event
Cell Header Errors7495467495463490:00:01
Loss of cell Delineation242292422900:00:56

Link Retrains:33933905:38:55
DSL Training Errors:242405:38:35
Training Timeouts:0000:00:00
Loss of Framing Failures:56056005:38:55
Loss of Signal Failures:56356305:38:55
Loss of Power Failures:0000:00:00
Loss of Margin Failures:56356305:38:55
**bleep**. Seconds w/Errors:6099160991410:00:01
**bleep**. Sec. w/Severe Errors:3272232722160:00:01
Corrected Blocks:3620452362045224130:00:01
Uncorrectable Blocks:124927612492766660:00:01
DSL Unavailable Seconds:9010901005:38:20


You can see the collected time at the top of the log 19:00 hours collected time and 339 retrains, also thousands of errors.


So I have new adsl filters on all my sockets, I have a new master socket that BT installed last week and I still have speed problems. My IP Profiles used to be 6.5meg now it is 2meg I suspect from what i've read the exchange is throttling my profile in order to try to establish a secure connection which its not.




Can somebody please help me, BT say there's no problems but my router logs tells a different story





Line noise seems to be rather high too


DSL Details

Down Up
Modem Type:Built in modem - ADSL
DSL Line (Wire Pair):Line 1 (inner pair)
Current DSL Connection:
Rate:4512 kbs448 kbs
Max Rate:5096 kbs1016 kbs
Noise Margin:17.0 dB23.0 dB
Attenuation:4.6 dB0.5 dB
Output Power:7.8 dBm12.1 dBm

Protocol:G.DMT Annex A
DSLAM Vendor InformationCountry: {46336} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0 }
ATM PVC:0/38

Rate Cap:5096 kbs
Attenuation @ 300kHz:4.6 dB
Uncanceled Echo:-18.2 dBOk
VCXO Frequency Offset:13.7 ppmOk
Final Receive Gain:-5.3 dBOk
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones:0Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise:0Ok

Traffic Statistics

Bytes Packets Errors % Cells Errors %
IP Traffic

ATM Traffic


I still have this prbolem, no response to this post but other posts after mine have recieved replies?



Grand Guru

Hi Gtaylor1000,


I am sorry that none of our forum members were able to offer any advice on this issue. The forum is to allow customers to offer help and support to each other on BT Business Products and services, if you have an issue that needs to be resolved by BT Business you would need to contact the relevant department. The technical team do not pick up cases directly from the forum, also with some technical issues, the forums do not offer the best medium for troubleshooting.


You never included your BT Business Connect email address when signing up. Without this there has been no way for me to look over your case and ensure that the issue is logged with the correct department. If you would like me to have a look over your case please send me a private mail with your details so I can trace the account. I can check to ensure that the technical team are looking into this and give them the details you have logged on the forum.


Kind Regards



BT Business Forum Moderator

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