I wonder if you can help. I have spent the last 5 hours trawling through all the booklets, CD, help forums, FAQ, etc etc before resorting to asking for help. I had a BT Versatility upgrade today, with a featurephone. All working well, all of a sudden whilst I am in the voice mail menu, the red light on top starts flashing and won't stop. I have seen an article somewhere about low battery power, and also a picture of a connector underneath for a charger. Nowhere does it say anything about how the phone receives its power, the only line connected is to the standard phone junction box. Has the BT man forgotten something? or have I pressed the wrong button. Why does the only problem I have typically have nothing written about. Even the manual doesn't state about connecting the thing.
Does anyone have an idea?
I will try ringing the 10p a minute help line tomorrow if I don't get a reply, but think a support line should be FOC as a matter of principle, the system after all did cost over £800.