I have 5 fixed IP addresses allocated, in the hub I can see the network address of 81.137.64.*** and the router address of 81.137.64.*** however, using http://www.whatsmyip.org/ the result is: Your IP Address is which I believe is an ip address within the allocated block at BT, this address is different to yesterday's address of 31.54.48.***.
As we are paying for 5 fixed IP addresses, could someone please explain how to get a fixed ip address. We need fixed ip addresses as we connect to several servers and these servers, for security are set to only allow telnet from certain ip addresses.
While I'm here, another, possibly related issue is...
If I allocate one of the unallocated fixed ip addresses using the hub to my terminal, I cannot then connect to the other terminals in this office.
I also get the same problem with my fixed IP addresses and I can't seem to get the right IP. Where can I find it?
The IP address of your connection when you are on a multiple IP package, is a dynamic peer IP. This is the way these packages work.
The only way you can get a static IP on your connection is to move to a single static IP, which you can do through the Manage Services area on http://myoffice.bt.com.
I have heard that it is possible to set a usable static IP on the router, but only if you have high-end Cisco kit. It isn't possible with most normal routers, including those supplied by BT.
Your link Dave gives:
Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
Third different IP address in three days, it now is:
Your IP Address is:
I cannot see anywhere in our account details to order one fixed IP address:
5 static IP addresses (current configuration)
Dynamic IP addressing
1 static IP address
13 static IP addresses
Allocated my machine one of the static IP addresses we are paying for in the hub, restarted the hub, so now my terminal IP address is, oh no it isn't:
Your IP Address Is:
This is now ridiculous.
I have applied all terminals their own IP address from the 5 IP addresses in the hub, restarted the hub, now no terminal can see any other terminal.
So now my business is stopped.
Oops my bad. I didn't notice that the URL had included the full stop...
Try that.
Now back to the issue at hand. If you're using a Business Hub then you can find out more about setting up static IPs on the router here:
Business Hub 2
Business Hub 3
If you can't get them working on the Business Hub then you should call the Helpdesk during the week on 0845 600 7020 and speak to the Network Team, and if it's a third party router then you'll need to contact ITSM: