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Forms & asp processing files


I have BT advanced hosting option and want to use several forms on the site i am creating.  I however do not want to use the formail option.  I was assured that asp was supported on this hosting package, yet when i uploaded my own form and its asp processing file it doesnt work.  The asp option in the web manager section is activated.

I have tried the form when loaded on another hosting (not BT) package and it works fine, which has me worried that despite being told the advanced package supports asp, it will only allow for formail scripts on form processing.

I have tried BT support, but as i havent used the easysite creator they dont want to know (i have used dreamweaver, pretty standard normally i would have thought)

My asp file information is


MessageText=MessageText&"Date and time sent: "&formatdatetime(now,1)&" - "&formatdatetime(now,3)&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Email address: "&request.form("email")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Full name: "&request.form("fullname")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Address: "&request.form("address")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Post Code: "&request.form("postcode")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Property Address: "&request.form("propertyaddress")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Property Post Code: "&request.form("propertypostcode")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Property Type: "&request.form("propertytype")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf
MessageText=MessageText&"Brief Description: "&request.form("description")&vbcrlf&vbcrlf

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject ("smtpsvg.mailer")
Mailer.RemoteHost = ""
Mailer.AddRecipient "J Mead", ""
Mailer.FromName = trim(request.form("fullname"))
Mailer.FromAddress = trim(request.form("email"))
Mailer.AddCC trim(request.form("fullname")), trim(request.form("email"))
Mailer.Subject = "Registration"
Mailer.BodyText = MessageText



The form coding is:


<form name="registration" id="registration" method="post" action="send_mail.asp" >


There is more with regard to the imput boxes but not relevent to the problem i am having.


Please can somebody advise if this simple asp file i tend to use is supported or not?






Accepted Solutions


ASP is enabled.  I finally found somebody in support that would talk to me and advise to change my mailer address to localhost and not to


I am very disappointed that because i am not using the preloaded web creator software that no one in bt support is prepared to point me in the right direction with basic mailer settings.


While i am quite new to ASP i also did not come down in the last shower as it appears that BT think i did.  No one is perfect and theres always room to learn more.


Thank you for you help Dave, i got there in the end. :smileyhappy:


View solution in original post


ASP is available on the Advanced Hosting but you have to enable it. To do this log into the Website Centre and click on Site Builders > WIndows Services > ASP and enable it there.


ASP is enabled.  I finally found somebody in support that would talk to me and advise to change my mailer address to localhost and not to


I am very disappointed that because i am not using the preloaded web creator software that no one in bt support is prepared to point me in the right direction with basic mailer settings.


While i am quite new to ASP i also did not come down in the last shower as it appears that BT think i did.  No one is perfect and theres always room to learn more.


Thank you for you help Dave, i got there in the end. :smileyhappy: