I've received an e-mai lwelcoming me to BT Business one plan traditional and it thanks me for choosing it. Problem is - I don't have a business and appear to have been sent the e-mail in error. I tried to find someone to e-mail to make sure the e-mail had been sent in error and to ensure I hadn't been signed up for something I don't want and didn't ask for but BT don't appear to have an e-mail address. I have a personal account with BT and have logged in and this appears to be ok but I don't want to be charged for something I didn't request and don't even know what it is.
I don't want to phone someone to discuss this I wanted to e-mail them - but can't. In the hope that I might be able to get an answer from someone I joined your forum and put on this post.
Can someone please let me know what the best thing is to do and what e-mail address I can use to contact someone.