We have had a QVIS CCTV system fitted and have signed up for 5 static IP addresses which I have been informed are in the 217.36 range. I have used one of these for the router address. However when I look at my IP address on whatismy ipaddress.com it is telling me I am on an 86.136 range.
I have tried to assign a static IP address to my device but it will not let me use a public fixed IP address as it is greyed out
Has anyone set these up and if so any help/guidance would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Hi TBCooke
what happens with our ip addresses is this,
we set aside a number of IPs 3 of which are used for setting the range and default gatewaty
that leaves either 5 or 13 depending on your package.
we apply a Dynamic IP to your router and hide the static IPs behind this for security reasons.
These statics only become pingable when applied to a device.
For example, if you had a computer with no specific ip applied and went to www.whatismyip.com you would see a dynamic.
If you had a specific ip assigned and did the same you would see that IP.