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How can I turn off the Firewall on my 2701HGV-C ?

Power User

I'm trying to open an FTP port through my 2701HGV-C router but can't seem to get it to open. I have tried to turn off the Firewall on the static IP that the FTP server is using but the software on the router does not allow this function to happen even though there is an option in the NAT mappings and device allocation screen. Anyone else managed to open the firewall ?




Master User

Hi Mike,


You need to go to the Settings > Firewall tab and enable the rule there. The option on the NAT and Address Allocation screen doesn't work the way that you expect it to. Smiley Sad



Power User

Thanks for the response. I tried everything to get the ports open but failed to get anything through so I've reverted back to using the 2700HGV which is usable and does actually do as it's told. FTP now running fine. Would you know if there is there going to be an update to the firmware on the 2701 to correct the errors ?Smiley Mad


Once again thanks for the input.





Master User

I'd be surprised if there are any major firmware updates, it's coming up on a year since BT switched to the Hub 3 so I would guess that support for earlier hubs would be limited to security updates. I've managed to set up servers behind the 2701 before though, so I'm not sure what was causing the problem in your case.


Truth be told, unless you're planning on using BT Infinity there's not much difference between the 2700 and 2701.

