So today I noticed slower than usual throughput, so I went onto the wholesale speedchecker - 4.5Mbps (on a 80/20 package) - upload sitting pretty at 15mbps. The router on the other hand was happily connected at 76.24Mbps. Worse than that, latency was hopping around from it's normal <20ms to over 200ms. Something is definitely out of kilter with the core network (Hot Virtual Path?) but when I spoke to tech support (Ricky) he was adamant that there was nothing wrong on BT's end. Well, when I'm paying for a service and getting 5% of what I'm paying for, I tend to disagree. I'm not paying for the 76.24Mbps connection at the router, I'm paying for the whole service. Having had troubles getting technical information through to the right person in the past, has anyone had better luck? I managed to capture a TAP3 test result highlighting some of the issue when it repeated itself this evening