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How do you get BT to correct a fault logged 7 days ago?


How do you get BT to fix a fault logged 7 days ago it seems impossible.

I reported a fault on 01 July and it has still not been repaired 7 days later and promised updates had not been received.

When I called I was advised that my fault would be resolved in three working days (Mon – Fri as it appears BT do not work at the weekend!), on this basis my fault should have been fixed by Wed 06 July.  I was also promised that I would receive text updates on the progress on my fault. 

Wednesday came and I had no text so I called (waited c15 mins in a queue), I was advised by the agent that rest assured my fault will be fixed by Wed evening and don’t worry if you don’t get the text updates the engineers do not always send then........ well BT do not set customers expectations when you do not intend on meeting your promises.

I also checked online to see if there was any progress showing, the only thing it showed was that an engineer was not assigned to the fault until Tuesday afternoon!  This online fault tracking is rubbish, there are not updates there and not way to request an update!

On Thursday I received my one and only text to say they were still working on my fault so I called having been promised it would be resolved. I waited c20 mins in a queue and talked to an agent who called the engineer and called me back, apparently there is a problem with the lines and it is taking longer than normal to fix.  I was promised my phone would be diverted to my mobile, this has not happened, I also asked to be kept updated and was promised I would,  I have not.

Friday evening I have got home and the fault is still not resolved so I have another weekend with no phone!

All in all the service from BT has been rubbish, I am furious. This and the fact BT charge excess broadband download in £5 min even if you only use 1gb (they call that fair usage!) Apparently I am also not entitled to a full refund for loss of service on my phone even thought I have paid for it!

Companies are only as good as their ability to recover service and my confidence in BT in zero now.  Friends had moaned about service from Virgin but it’s not as bad as this, at least they can book appointments for engineers to visit and resolve! It’s definitely time to consider a move of provider.



Hi Meb,


I'm really sorry to hear that you haven't been updated. If you go to, you can set up a divert aslong as you have the Business Account number, you can find this on the top of any BT corresspondence. You can also setup the SMS Updates there aswell. Dependant on your service care level and it wasn't due to any form of theft of cable etc, then you should be entitled to a form of Compensation. If you go to and then to Livechat you can speak to an agent directly there, rather than waiting 15-20 minutes to stay in the call queues. It's very busy at the moment with service outages all over the country due to the bad weather, but I'm sure if you speak to an agent there I'm sure they'll be able to help you.


This is for a business telephone line yes?






Thanks for your help and suggestions.


I was called by the Customer Care Team this week as I had called 3 times before and the lady who assisted was very helpful, the fault has been resolved now.


Thanks again.


Brilliant! Glad to hear it 🙂