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Improved site layout and widget to synchronise address book


We have started to implement some of the changes suggested by you (thanks for your feedback from the survey!). For starters we are focusing on making MyOffice site load faster and overall stability of the site.


Some of you suggested that we provide a better way of organizing content on the page. We are looking at providing 'Tabs' on the site that will allow you to better manage your widgets and content on MyOffice. You will be able to add and delete tabs and organize them based on your business needs.


Additionally, we are evaluating a widget that will allow you to synchronise your mobile phone contacts to your MyOffice page. This will give you secure backup and access to your contacts from the web (for those days when you loose or forget your mobile!).


We would like to know your thoughts on the new Tabbed interface and the address book widget? And ideas on what you would like to do once your Mobile contacts are on your MyOffice page...