I have been switched over to BT this morning from ZEN and paid for 5 IP addresses.
With Zen I used the BT modem and Smoothwall, the smoothwall PPOE'd into the modem and was allocated the static IP I paid for and I was able to use the rest of the IP addresses as I wish with port forwarding.
Problem is that my BT connection didn't get the router IP address I said I would be allocated, its a different one and the BT guy on the phone says I need to use the BT hub to use the 5 IP's
This seems a bit strange, I would have expected the router IP I paid for to be allocated to the router when you PPOE'd in.... the way he said it, it would mean the Fibre is routing and then I port forwarding.. seems strange.
Anyone used there own router with static IP's???
Hi simcfc73,
I would advise you to contact us, you can find help and contact information at for support with your service.
Hi there. Did you manage to reolve this? We have the same issue