Hi guys,
I'm wondering if anyone can help me?
I'm running a 2Wire 2701HGV-C on a BT Business package with a Draytek Vigor2830 acting as a 'slave' router. We have approximately 15 simultaneous connections (predominantly wireless) at any given time.
Every 5 minutes or so, the connection seems to drop out for a few seconds (although it has dropped out for as much as 25 seconds). I believe this to be a router malfunction as when it does so, I can't even connection to (the router's home address).
Someone suggested to me it might be IP address conflicts, but I can't work out how to increase the number of available IPs.
If anyone could point me in the right direction that'd be great.
You would need to login to whichever router hands out IP addresses (you must have disabled DHCP on one of the routers?) and change the dhcp pool range.
As default it would most likely issue addresses from to
Change the range to and the router will not issue an address above,for example.
if you did need to use anything above you would need to configure a static address.
I would also considering updating the firmware on the router,as this is a more likely cause of the connection dropping.
This may not be a IP Address issue, I have the same problem but have locked down the DHCP allocation range.
BT 2701HGV-C just deadlocks periodically, stops passing packets to any device inside the network but after a short time resumes packet transmission.