Hello can anyone help please?
I have successfully set-up a simple web site using one of the templates supplied with Easysitewizard. I am struggling to find out how to change the menu colour and font which is still the same as supplied with the original template - whilst I have been able to customise the rest of the page OK
Is this a limitation of the software or is there something I have missed?
Thanks in anticipation.
Hi Dave
Thanks for your reply - I'm afraid I don't know what CSS is?? am willikng to learn & give it a go if you could please provide more info! Thanks a lot. D
Hi DianeM,
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience, but please be informed that color and font settings of the menu on our EasySiteWizard templates cannot be edited as they depend on the template you have chosen. We will take this concern into consideration while developing a new version of EasySiteWizard application.
BT Forum Moderator
If you click on the pencil and choose edit CSS you will get a pop up menu listing the styles used on the website.
If you look through the code you will see a section starting:
This is what defined what your menu looks like.
In the "div.ESWuserButton0 " and "div.ESWuserButton1 " section you should see the following lines:
This is what controls the font of the menu. You would need to change these options to reflect what you want the menu to look like. The colour of the actual button is actually determined by an image in the example above and may be the same in yours:
Although this can be replaced with a solid colour, or another image. In doing this you would also need to change what the button looks like when the mouse is hovering over it.
OK I'll give this a try - thanks for the advice!