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Making files visible to public


Can anyone tell me how I can make my PDF files visable to my customers.

I have already uploaded them to a public folder.


I dont want to create a text link as such but if I try this it says add file from internal page on my site. How do I get the file folder into that option to treat it like an internal page?


I have also created a search box on my page and would like to make these files available when they type in certain words. I'm not sure how to use MYSQL either so the database option is a foreign language to me.

Is there any simple databases out there that I could do this with to create a link to?


Any help would be great.


BT Partner
BT Partner

Your best bet for linking to pdf's it to treat them as external links. So created a hyperlink to and the customer can click that link and either load or download the pdf depending on their browser settings.


The search box plan, as far as I know, needs to be custom coded and may require database knowledge. We don't really support coding at BT but perhaps someone else on the forum can assist further with this part.


Ok thanks for that.


I have another question. Is it possible to display a flash video on my front page?

I know I can create a slideshow and create a link to that but would prefer it to be displayed directly on the page.


many thanks


Are you using the Easy Site package?


If you are, there is no easy way to "drop" in an external object on your page.


If on the other hand you have an ok knowledge of how to work with HTML then you should be able to place the code for the flash file into the source code (though you will need to upload the .swf file first using FTP)


source code for flash files should look something like this...


<embed src="example.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="460" height="50" name="mymoviename" align=""  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">



The area's in bold are ones you may need to edit. 


example.swf - This should be changed to the name of your movie.


width & height = Should be changed to the dimensions of your flash animation.  If you don't change this it will only serve to distort your flash movie.


Hope this helps if any...