When trying to add a new email address or change details of existing addresses on BT Business web site clicking on the manage services tab, the Email section displays the various options, Add New Email Address etc, but there is a 'Please Wait..' message that never goes away. Clicking on any of the options within the Email section still goes no where. This has been happening for about 3 weeks now and I have had to phone support for them to change some details for me.
They even tried it themselves and were at a loss to know what was going on!
Has anyone else got/had this problem and know how to resolve I?
Have you received emails telling you your account is due to be migrated? If so then all account management functions, e.g. adding users, will be locked until it happens.
If you contacted the Helpdesk and they weren't able to manage it and your account wasn't locked then they should have escalated the issue for further investigation.
Have sent you a PM anyway.
Thank for your speedy repy. As usual with your help desk personel it took me 3 attempts contacting different people who gave me conflicting advice, the third person(India) did actually connect via remote desktop and changed the details that I required and even attempted to change it via the bt buisness web site and admitted there was problem although he didnt know what
Yes we have received a notification of change, so as I understand it we will not be able to use this to change anymore email details from now on and will unfortantley have to contact the help desk for any further changes.
Have sent another PM.