I am not the sharpest pencil in the block. I have built a site, borstalbarkers.com and when trying to add new pages, put a new agility page in which took over the "about page". Now have 2 pages the same and cannot figure out what to do. Have since then added another page, Good companion, which when trying to upgrade info, opens in a different window, info changes fine. But would like to add extra pages for photos of classes and handlers etc. Cannot seem to change the about/agility pages so they are seperate. As stated, not the best at website so need explanation in window licking style please.
If you are using Easy Site Wizard, then it isn't just you. There are a lot of threads in this forum from people finding it difficult. There are other html generators that will write the code for you, available free or for £30 or less. If ESW continues to feel unintuitive then I suggest switching to something else, especially if it lets you test it on your computer at home before you put it live on the internet. The results still work perfectly well with BT hosting.
There is a guide to ESW at the top of this forum. http://business.forums.bt.com/t5/Website-hosting-domains/Learn-the-basics-of-EasySiteWizard/td-p/109...
Sadly, when I try following the link to the user guide, I get told access is denied. Maybe a helpful moderator will look into that one for us.
The main issue with your site is that web pages have two names. There is one Title ("Agility") by which you know a page and one Name ("agility.html") by which the computer recognizes it. It helps if they are in step.
If you look up the user guide http://btbusiness.custhelp.com/euf/assets/pdf/easysitewizard.pdf on page 26, there is a manage page section. The names are part of the Page Properties.
Once you have the pages named in a way you can follow, check the navigation (menus, links etc) to make sure that each one is pointing to the page you want. If you hover over a link with the mouse, the Name of the target page (Name, not Title) shows at the bottom of your browser.
I hope that is enough to get you started.
Nigel. Thankyou. I am pleased I am not as thick as thought, someone else having same problems. I shall look into the resolves you have stated.
Many thanks.