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Microsoft Office 365 nightmare


Thanks BT for shutting down our email inboxes in the middle of the working day in order to switch us to your wretched new Microsoft servers.  What planet are you on?  We have to earn a living you know.


We have wasted an hour trying to reconfigure our email accounts, but the instructions are not right.  Outlook will retrieve emails OK for a bit, and then suddenly decides not to, and demands we re-enter our passwords, and then it doesn't retrieve emails anyway.


This is the last straw BT.  You've caused us more grief over the years than I care to remember. We are going elsewhere.



I know how you feel - just happened to me too.  First I knew of a problem was when my biggest client phoned up to say she'd been trying to email me and it had bounced back like I no longer existed.   How professional did that look????


Although the first line BT support said they'd never seen the error report that I'd received on my test email and promptly referred it to a more senior technician (who of course hasn't contacted me yet) it *appears* that at least some functionality has magically returned by itself.


I still can't trust it enough to let my clients have the all-clear (they're having to send to Yahoo webmail) though...


I'm sure someone from BT will be on here shortly with a load of blather about it being impossible to schedule such major changes outside the working day but given that email is the lifeblood of SMEs like mine it is not good enough that the implications of the change and the sudden switching off of the old server (whatever happened to a trial period of parallel running???) were not made clearer and with more warning.


Rant over!!