For the last three months I've been having a dns error issue, I couldn't access google for instance because I got a error through google chrome or firefox. Numerous calls to BT support Everything from blaming my computers for the issue or theres nothing we can do. Well if I was just told to change each computers dns settings to someone elses like googles. A quick search brings up dns details. And it has solved it.. Very simple!
Then for the last few days, I've been having wireless connection issues, IP address's not being given out... All BT support could do was erm and arr on the phone. Okay I do appreciate it is a complicated issue and they did help the best they could even second line technical support. But turning the router off and on again solved it.
It is actually quite nice to find ways to fix your own issues even when you want to kick your router!!
It's good to hear from you again, JacobB, in happier circumstances, I trust. We have our own static DNS server addresses, here's a pair: &
Your wireless connection issue is interesting. I have found this issue happening with a Windows 7 Netbook I sometimes use. It seems to be a question of mis-communication between the router (I don't use a Business Hub) and the wireless adapter in the computer. After a bit of testing, I found, like you, that a router re-set was necessary although I don't believe that it indicates a problem with the router.
Wireless is all fun and happiness until it stops working and you can't quite work out why.