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Moving from Res to Biz


When we transfer will we likely be changed to a different line card at the exchange?




Very unlikey - I presume you are with BT and are staying with BT.




Hi gouledw, may I ask on what you are trying to check here? From what I know, there should be something changed in their network but I don't have the full details on this. 

Power User
I see. So it means that either you stay with BT or not at all.

Power User

The only change you'll notice, and all that will probably be made, is giving you an actual login as opposed to the standard residential username. I'm uncertain but they might, if requested, send you a business hub, but I expect it's identical to the home hub in which case I doubt they would.


yeah, we are changing literally swap from bt res to bt biz. so it'll be more the backhaul network pipes we change on?




It will be the same backhaul - but business will get priority.




Also a quickie, on residential the snr used to drop in the evenings as everyone started to use the internet.  surely on an exchange that has only 50 non residential premises considering I am now on business the SNR shouldn't drop in the evenings? AM i correct on that or wrong?



A couple of points ...


The business hub (BH3) may look the same as the residential but it has different firmware, so is a different device.


As for the SNR dropping in the evenings - you are incorrect in your assumption both Residential and Business will drop.  Even if the other 49 started to use their connections in the evening, the change to your SNR becasue of that would be very small.   The drop is due to background noise from a variety of sources increasing in the evenings becasue of two predominant reasons,  more devices are turned on (street lights, heating systems, televisions &c) and the propogation of radio waves is better at night - there are also other factors too.     The variiation you see will be much the same every night - but someone in a different location will see a different change.  The variation can be as little as 0.5 dB right up to 7 or 8 dB (in my experience) but most seem to be around 3 to 4 dB.


I will send you a PM with a link to a couple of images which show how mine varied when on ADSL.




The business hub 3's internals CPU, dsl chipset etc.. are identical to the ones on the HH3 Type A. 


But find it incredibly strange how in our row of houses, all coming off the same DP.  That Number 1 (for purposes) Residential- drops 3dB in the evening.  Number 2 - BUsiness doesn't drop at all.  Number 3 (us) - Business now, still drops after transferring from residential.  I know all copper pairs are different and all that. It just seems all to coincidental.  I'm never gonna know until theres been an engineer into the exchange and who's said that we've been changed. BT Technical have even said I should've been changed to a line card for business customers only.


Thanks for the PM.