Have recently bought business web hosting advanced version and created my web site using serif web plus 4. I've uploaded files using serif software and again using filezilla but no sign of my site exists on line. Is there a waiting time before my account becomes active? Or have I just made errors with the system, (more likely I'd guess). The site address is assurering.com Any ideas really welcome.
Something has made it online so there is definitely hope.
Your generator is making separate folders for images (wpimages) and scripts (wpscripts) so you will need to make sure that these folders also exist on the webserver, and have the images and scripts in them.
Keep persevering. You are over the crucial hurdle of getting files from your computer to the webserver. The rest follows eventually.
many thanks for the help. Think I'm getting there. The original problem was 'public folder'. Learning as I go but quite fun at the mo!
I am glad that you were able to resolve your issue on your own. (The rewarding feeling of climbing a mountain) Kudos! Please be advised that if you run in to similar issues in the future 2 key points to live by when it comes to web hosting are
1) Files always need to be placed in the public folder
2) index.html will generally be the "iniatial" page called for when visiting a URL unless directed otherwise.
I hope that you find this information useful.