Wish I had read here first. Have got bitten by the upgrade.
I have no had no email for 10 hours with no prospect of seeing any anytime soon.
Customer Support have been completely and utterly useless and have no idea. If I treated my clients the way they do theirs, we'd be bust over night, and at the rate we are going without email, we probably will be. I have lost the will to live with them, and cannot face another call arguing myself into an early grave.
They are currently still experiencing HUGE problems with all this (as advised by the girl I spoke to this afternoon). It's a complete and unmitigated disaster.
The supposed emails informing us of the upgrade + settings etc never arrived to ANY of the several different addresses we have.
I had no news, no settings, and no email, and currently have no business. And they seem to have no responsibility.
And all for what ? To move to a supposedly 'better' platform that we don't even use as we only use POP/SMTP with our own server. I don't even need this new POS.
I can't even get in to my domain management panel to change the DNS for my mail servers and get it out of the hands of this bunch of incompetents (I put BT and M$ in the same boat here)
So my helpful and friendly advice to ANYONE who hasn't yet been upgraded is this.
Change provider, quickly.
Get your email OUT of their hands and into somewhere that is safe, secure, not read to spy on you and sell you more advertising, and under YOUR control (and I don't include Gmail etc in this either.)
Make sure you have backups in place, and that you can change DNS to move your mail (and websites etc) to different servers at will.
Whatever you do, don't leave it in the hands of this incompetent shower.
Unfortunately, they had been reasonably good for a long time, and I kind of looked on them as a fairly safe bet, hence I left the email with them.
How wrong I was. And now I have looked at things more closely I realise that we have been losing a lot of important emails to their junkmail filters (see other threads here) that we never asked for, and are supposedly 'even better' in the new POS. What does that mean then ? I lose even more mail ????
In one fell swoop they have demolished any confidence and I will never trust them with anything again. And nor will any of the customers that I also maintain.
I hate to think how many customers BT are losing right now, or will when their contracts are up. But it will be a few I should imagine. I'll make sure of moving as many as I can. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
And just to add insult, I love the little check box 'Email me when someone replies'
Yeah, like I'll get that then !
Just makes me feel angry when several years ago I managed to (innocently and accidentally) perform a MAJOR hack on their web servers but instead of publicising it and making them look the incompetents they were and take them to the cleaners for a goodly sum, I took a quiet route and advised them of their problems. Still got the screenshots someplace 🙂
And now you get treated like this. It's disgusting, and a disgrace. Ah well. At least MY honour is intact and I can sleep at night. I just hope the idiots responsible for this have nightmares and no jobs for the rest of their lives.
So, I tried to login to M$ with the old BT connect address. Did that, but no mail. Scratch head. What about trying with user@company.co.uk (as we have aliases set for users - stupid idea buit's that's how it works).
Blow me, there is some mail ! Looks like they must have started to move it around 11am. And then they sent the email to confirm it was done (which it wasn't cos the domain panel was still out hours later) at 11.53
That email may just have been useful if it had been sent BEFORE they started as we may have had some idea of what was going on, but no. It was sent to the NEW account to which we didn't know existed, and didn't know how to access......You needed a crystal ball to figure out how to get to see it. Chicken and egg. A game designed by idiots.
No concise documentation (particularly if you have your own domain name). No timely, accurate information. What a complete, amateurish mess.
And now, finally, the DNS is back up.
Next job tomorrow, once I have had some sleep, will be to repoint all the mail directly off to my own server with some back-up MX. Take the job out of the hands of the incomptent idiots.
I will also then delete all the BT accounts, and remove all mail handling from M$ - I never trusted them anyway, the system is slow and cumbersome, and if I'd have wanted M$ reading all my mail I'd have bought into their software years ago. Thanks but no thanks.
And ironically the BT websit still tells me I can't change some stuff cos they're still upgrading me to Office 365, despite receiving the late email to say it is done.
Complete and utter rubbish.
Sorry it's all gone so wrong.
Thanks for letting us know.