Just had my latest BT internet bill which informs me that from November I'm going to be charged £2 for a basic pasper bill ans £6 if I want a bill that includes any info.
It goes on to say: HOW TO AVOID THE FEE IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS at which point i should have realised it was going to be a couple of hours going round in circles online while achieving nothing in the end!
I did give it a go and entered valid information from the bill as requested, I tried logging in using all the email addresses I have with BT then when none showed an account linked to them tried to generate an online account to pay the bills, once again none of the emails worked so well over an hour later I'm still up the creek. Admittedly not an unusual state of affairs when trying to deal with BT but nevertheless frustrating to say the least.
Had a go at phoning the number given on the bill but that service closes at 13.00hrs on Saturday, no doubt non business customers can get access 24/7 to the phone service but that wouldn't be reasonable for the business user of course.