Wondering if any admins know if there is a plan to update the PHP version. 5.5.0 was released 2 years ago but the hosting is still on 5.3.28
Hi spank,
I have been in contact with our hosting partner, about your question. At the moment there is no information as to if/when we will be updating to 5.5.
Could I ask if there is any movement on this? I need minimun PHP 5.4 ...
Hi CoatesFlorist,
there is still no movement on this.
I really need php 5.4 at least. You are about to loose a customer who has been with you for nearly tewnty years.
All of my web development has ground to a halt because of your somewhat late adopting policy or the lack of basic hosting functionality like swapping out php versions.....
If there is no movement is there at least a plan??????