I want to investigate using BT for FTTP Broadband, and how to keeop my two existing PSTN lines, that drive an analogue PABX.
Every time I talk to BT sales, I get different answers about what is supplied. I also cant get a straight anser about what equipment is currently being supplied, and a full spec of the BT Business Hub capabilities, or what is supplied as part of the "digital" voice package.
Is there anyone I can talk to (or email) in BT technical pre-sales to get straight, and comprehensive answers?
for example
- does the hub support VPN
- is there a comprehensive programming manual for the Hub
- If I put the hub into bridge mode, can I attach a secondary router and will Assure 4G still work
- can I put something in place to provide analogue lines off the FTTP braodband, and do I need to keep the analogue lines?
- How far away from the ONT can I place the Business Hub