Hi hope someone can help me.
My site has been built using Joomla hosted on my BT server and the DNS/web address domain has now been forwarded to the Joomal folder on the BT server address but the site is not live - forwarding out in place 2 days ago and still not live.
Does anyone have a number for technical support that is not premium rate, the people on the other end of the phone have technical knowledge and is not a foreign call centre?
Cheers in advance.
Seen any flying pigs recently?!?!
I don't think such a thing exists!
Hi there,
Probably did not explain myself very well.
I'm on BT Advanced web hosting. My site has been built using the Joomla application and is hosted on my BT server.
We've tried to redirect my domain (again hosted by BT) to the Joomla file on my BT server but the site is not live.
Incidentally I've seen flying pigs after several occassions of speaking to BT customer services.
Hi Chris
I meant flying pigs at actually getting to speak to a BT employee of the calibre you require lol
Have you reset www, a etc settings to the BT server?
LOL BT customer services are a shambles.
Thanks for the response. My techie has suggested doing the following; to unistall Joomla from the server and reinstall it to the root of the public folder on the server and try again.
Any chance you could expand on your suggestions? I think we have removed one of the A records on the redirect from the advanced domain manager but no luck.
Cheers for your interest so far.
I'm not very au fait with this sort of thing. What error number do you get when you type in the domain name?
When you type in the URL you get the standard BT holding page 'this domain has been registered by BT' so it's not redirecting at all. Trying some other things today but at a loss really.
Does anyone have the number for BT Web Hosting support thst is not a 09 premium number?
Hi There,
There is a non premium number - which is 0845 600 7020