We are a new business and we took out a Feature Line system in January, the salesman added an unlimited call plan, which was free for the first 3 months and he said this could be removed once the 3 months were complete. Is this the case, can this be removed, as our bills have jumped up massively.
Overall extremely disappointed with the way BT have dealt with us, the bills are complex to understand and the original order could have been written in dutch it was so difficult to understand.
Could somebody please shed some light on the call plan issue?
We have a similar problem. We ordered a BT phone back in February. I was told it I will have a unlimited call plan with 5000 minutes to national and international landlines and 500 to mobile. The first bill was all right and just today I got the second one (its 23rd and the bill is dated 13th!!! and they want to take DD on 27th!-no chance for that). It says there that I cancelled my call plan!!!! But I haven`t! I even called Bt before about 3 times to make sure that all calls I am making are within my call plan and they told me not to worry, everything is all right. i called them today and they gave me a number to plan team, but they are working from mon to fri so I have to wait till Monday for them to tell me when and how the cancellation was made.
As I remember first 3 months were for 1p and after that it should be £15.50 (+vat), without any removal of my call plan.
I am very disappointed with BT and its unhelpfull staff. Can't wait till Monday, to see what they response is.
Also had a similar letter today saying I have cancelled my BT Business complete call package. Which I have not!!!! I have emailed them, I AM NOT HAPPY
This is weird. I received a same letter the other day, though I have just ignored it. Call BT and they apologize for it.
i also facing the same problem........... :(........... i am saving my number dictionery into a new database structure..... but i still facing the dutch bills.......