My web site runs on wordpress and is currently down.
It looks like the server is not letting my application write files. I runs through PHP which relies on being able to write to the file space. I have not made any permissions changes over the last few days. In fact, I've not changed them at all.
I've tried to check the web site by log in through FTP and although I can log in and view the directories, I am unable to download or view the files.
I've tried to view or edit the files in the file manager application through the site management console accessed through the BT web site. However, whilst I am able to see the directory listing I cannot view them or edit the file contents either.
I have also attempted to change the FTP password and the web management console will not let me do that. I am told that there is a problem saving my change and that I need to try again later.
Is there an issue with the BT servers?
Thanks for your help.