Hi David
I dont understand what you mean by a fault on the line, as i have been calling around BT with the same problem, for over a week now, and getting no where.
If you could explain your soloution further please
Did you ever resolve this problem?
We've just got the same issue with ours after it's worked fine for 2 years.
No idea how to sort it and no support from BT.
Can't believe the pulled all support on a product that they were selling to BT small business customers just 2 years ago - really shocking behaviour!!
Hi, have similar proble. System worked fine for 2 years, then all of the phones respond really slowly (i press a line out and it takes 30 seconds to respond, press menu on phone and it takes a while for the menu to start responding). Get a dialling tone but not able to call out as says busy or similar.
Any ideas what might be the problem?