After enjoying one morning of 1.5 - 2 meg broadband I am annoyed to tell you that it has dropped back down to 300 kbps. It was fun while it lasted. Please can you fix this issue so that it is permanent rather than just for three hours!!!!
I will send the details on your post to the agent who is dealing with your case.
I have also sent you a private mail with some further information.
Kind Regards
BT Business Forum Moderator
As BT are ignoring their customers it is time for their customers to ignore BT. After being with them over 35 years and my father used to work for them I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.
i have 10 MBPS and i have 9.5 MB downloading speed today. this is much much better then 4 MBPS.
What your stock broker doesn't want you to see!