In a nutshell: i can receive emails but not send them from my BT alias using outlook 2007 on vista – reported error (0x80042109): ‘Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server....’
I am working on a website for a client who has been purchased her bt hosting a while back she is using BT webhosting trade and business essentials with 10 business email lite accounts. Her business website is hosted by BT, and is using her own domain name to sell these under. I noticed she was using a yahoo email account to contact customers and for sales receipts to be sent to, i suggested using her own domain email would look better from a customer viewpoint. Which is where the trouble began!
By way of example her domain is www.theconsultant.com and her bt account is theconsultant@btconnect.com
I tried to setup and test her email account on my home pc. i use vista and outlook 2007 which I ‘ve setup to load up my gmail and other domain mails. My ISP is Be* Internet and my virus protection / software firewall is mcaffe. The account can send and receive mails via outlook web access
I’ve set up an email address for her linking it to her bt alias so <Name>@theconsultant.com is pointing to <Name>@btconnect.com
and setup the outlook profile with the following
Your Name : the consultant
Email address: <Name>@theconsultant.com
Account type: pop3
Incoming mail server: pop3.btconnect.com
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp.btconnect.com
Username: <Name>@btconnect.com
In the outgoing server tab i’ve ticked outgoing server (SMTP requires authentification and highlighted the radial button to use same settings as my incoming server.
In the advanced tab, I’ve set the incoming server (POP3) to 110 and the outgoing server (SMTP) to 25
I’ve spent an hour or two change every configuration i can think of to no avail. Messages arrive inbound but messages sent remain in the outbox with the eventual error message.
I’ve tried changing the the username and email variations, changed the outgoing server port to 587, adding log on details in the outgoing server tab. I’ve been quite methodical in checking and unchecking all options, including opening ports and turning off my firewall, pinging the smtp address and using as an alternative thunderbird email client.. From past experience i know that the test account setting button is key if it pasts both checks to log on to an incoming server and send a test message. Login on is no problem, sending a test message is not possible and the key issue.
I also tried to set up the email address on my clients computer running xp and outlook 2007 ( i presume they have a BT broadband connection). Same problem, although admittedly i did not run through a whole range of checks
This is quite frustrating as outlook has more functionality and is required more that outlook web access. Setting up email accounts with other isps and websites is quite frankly simplicity ( i.e less then 2minutes!). I have a background in IT and find the whole BT package setup and method of websites / email quite baffling and after 2 hours im admitting defeat!
Can anyone provide a solution? I’d rather not upgrade the package to use IMAP ( can’t believe this is an extra cost, its standard everywhere else!) With no guarantee that it would definitely work.
Useful suggestions/ options would be most welcome
Message Edited by the forum Moderator, removed email address to try and prevent Spam mail being sent to it.
BT Business Forum Moderator
Solved! Go to Solution.
I thought some one had cracked this! sadly it appears not.
I upgraded from Office 2000 on a laptop runiing XP SP3, to Office 2003. I now find I get this infernal message and can't send emails. Curious thing is that I have a desktop and another laptop on which I can send and receive emails using exactly the same settings as the initial laptop! The desktop runs XP SP3 and Office 2003 and the other laptop runs Windows & and Office 2010. This has only happened since I did the upgrade from Office 2000/Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2003. As the above guy, I have checked all settings comparing them to the ones on the laptop that works, but no success.
Is it to do with the way that Microsoft write their updates and wont carry settings across properly?
Can anyone help please?
I also thought of the same thing which I've been trying to figure out for the past few days. Any advice on this or whatsoever?
At present if you're on the old mail platform then you're stuck if you can't use port 25. Once your account has been migrated to the Office365 platform then that uses 587 to send email, so it won't be an issue any more.
Hi I have a similar problem and I am a BT Broadband customer. I receive mail but cannot send them on my iPad yet the desktop with the identical settings works perfectly??? help please, as they do not appear to have any human beings with a voice that can help at BT
Hi spokes,
If your outgoing mail server is smtp.outlook.com ensure ssl is on, the outgoing port is 587 and that authentication is set to password, with your btconnect address and password, this can be checked via - settings - mail contacts etc, highlight the account and click smtp.
In this instance click primary server and set these details to be: hostname:smtp.outlook.com, ssl on, port 587, authentication password and enter your full btconnect address and password.
If your server is smtp.btconnect.com then select primary server and set the hostname to:smtp.btconnect.com ssl off, port 25. Delete the username and password under authentication password, it should then say that these settings are optional.
Then setup a second smtp server with the details: hostname to:smtp.btconnect.com ssl off, port 25. Enter the username and password under authentication password, then save.