I work for an IT company and I am trying to setup SPF entries for a couple of our customers.
Each of them use Microsoft Exchange and they route their mail through smtp.btconnect.com. I need to be able to setup the SPF entry for them but I can't find any documented list of the smtp server which BTconnect use.
Can someone let me know what SMTP server I should use?
Thank you
Hi @acr
It will actually depend upon what the email address is, and how it's being handled on our side: whether hosted with a 3rd party, or with BT Business.
If it's with a 3rd party then it will likely be "whitelisted" on our side for email relay (meaning BT Business allow the domain name to send through their servers) which will require the smtp.btconnect.com, or mail.btconnect.com, outgoing server to be used.
If the address is with BT then the outgoing server will be: smtp.office365.com.
Let me know if that helps.