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Samsung Galaxy S5



I have been having problems with my wifi connection since upgrading to the S5. Every so often the connection will be lost with the message "disconnected from network, please sign in again" appearing on my mobile. This also happens if I leave the house & return.


I have read previous threads on this problem but they all apply to the Home Hub 5 which has the option of changing from 5ghz to 2.4ghz. My hub doesn't have this option, according to the tech guy at bt, my hub only uses 2.4ghz.


Any help would be appreciated as trying to run a business like this is proving difficult.





Hi @cat75 


That is a weird one,  what i would suggest is forgetting the network on your phone then re-adding it,  then test and see if this does the same thing.


If that does not work have a look at your wireless channel,  if this is sitting at 11, 12, 13 try lowering that (this should not make a difference as its a new devices but its better to be safe than sorry)


If that fails change the Wireless Authentication Method,  your router should be using WPA/PSK and WPA2/PSK,  change that to WEP (worth while making a minor chnge in the WiFi networks name so that its easier to re-add the network on your other PCs/Macs without having to forget and then re-add.


Let me know how this goes,

