I am working on an 18' @ 1280x960. Until yesterday everything was fine and I was building the site on this resolution. Since yesterday the program changed it and now it looks like a HUGE 800x600 and I have to scroll to see the pages.
This is also the case in Preview and also if I publish the website.
Again, I did nothing special, I haven't changed anything, the program changed this.
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Easy Site Wizard Pro will not change your screen resolution for any reason.
I would advise you to access the Control Panel and then the display settings and set these back to 1280x960.
If the problem reoccurs, please reply or alternatively call our Technical Helpdesk for further assistance.
I have checked and all other pages show the correct 1280/960.
Yesterday the screen went in the lower res, I have restarted the application and reversed to the correct one but today there is no way to put it back.
Pls have a look at www.vortex-therapies.co.uk. It is made in 1280x960.
Hi Bogdan,
I have checked the site via the editor.
You are correct that the site will appear larger on a lower resolution monitorm this is normal if designed on a higher resolution screen such as yours.
This is because the site does not change when being viewed on different monitor sizes.
If you design the site on a 1280x960 monitor and it looks OK, it will appear very large on a lower resolution simply because the site will most likely be larger than the screen and will require you to use scrollbars to see entire pages.
No website is the perfect size as there are so many different sizes of monitors that it will look better on some and not so good on others.
The best way to proceed would be to design the site with your monitor set to display 1024x768 as this would be average and suit a larger number of viewers.
Please let me know if you have any further queries.
Hi Touman,
Thank you for your detailed advice.
However, I believe that I am not clear regarding my problem.
I have designed the site in 1280 and I was able to see full page on my monitor.
The problem is that starting from yesterday, even myself, looking at the same monitor I see it far larger and I have to scroll to the right, although I HAVE NOT CHANGED the resolution. My resolution is still 1280x960 and although I can see other websites in 1280x960, my website appears larger. So, I have programmed my website in 1280, I am still in 1280 but now the website is larger than yesterday!?!? That is the problem.
What can be?
Found it, finally!...
I have found that my browser was in 125% zoom mode. Ha, I have changed it to 100% and now is back to normal.
Thank you so much for your support